Femdom Spells – Femdom Witchcraft http://www.femdomwitchcraft.com Black Magick Spellcasting & Occult Fetish by Sorceress Princess Shimmy Fri, 15 Apr 2016 03:25:11 +0000 en hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.3 Femdom Chaos Magick Spell http://www.femdomwitchcraft.com/femdom-chaos-magick-spell/ Wed, 09 Mar 2016 19:59:37 +0000 http://femdomwitchcraft.com/?p=230 Get spiritually dominated with My new Femdom Chaos Magick Spell.  Using the powers of Black Magic I can bind you to My Will with My custom sigil & spell.  High Priestess Shimmy is an experienced[...]

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Get spiritually dominated with My new Femdom Chaos Magick Spell.  Using the powers of Black Magic I can bind you to My Will with My custom sigil & spell.  High Priestess Shimmy is an experienced practitioner of the Dark Arts and has knowledge of the utilization and application of Chaos Magick and sigil creation.

What is Femdom Chaos Magick? 

Chaos Magick is when the Sorceress creates a “statement of intent” that is made to cause change in the universe and physical world in accordance with Her Will. To put it simply, I write a statement of what I want to happen in present tense then cross out all duplicate letters and create a sigil with the remaining words.  The sigil is a visual representation of the Will of High Priestess Shimmy and is a tool to manifest the original statement of intent.

The statement of intent can be anything.  Some examples are:

“Lead a full homosexual lifestyle,” “Get a divorce from my wife,” “Suck my first cock,” “Bound to Princess Shimmy,” “Cause permanent impotence” etc etc.

There are literally no limits as to what I can do with this as this is a very powerful form of Magick.

Upon buying this you will receive My Black Magick Consent Form, a worship pic of yours truly to help coax you into signing the consent form and of course, when I am ready a pic of your completed spell.

All I need from you is to send Me back your completed Black Magick Consent form along with your photograph to proceed with the spell.

Buy from Princess Shimmy through Niteflirt.com
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Example of the Occult Femdom Ritual:

You can see an example of the ritual I performed upon slave ed above.  I will break down the ritual photos from top left to right and explain the ritual:

1st photo:  This was slave ed’s finalized sigil that I created just for him.  Looks like a regular symbol right?  It’s not. That symbol is a gateway to the statement of intent I created for him which was to “Remove all Hypnosis Prior to Princess Shimmy.”

2nd photo:  Slave ed being smothered with the candle wax from My black ritual candles.

3rd photo:  Decided to throw an extra punch of power to the sigil by placing it inside My mirrored box to charge and amplify it’s energy.

4th photo:  What the ritual looked like all together with the original statement of intent displayed.



The post Femdom Chaos Magick Spell appeared first on Femdom Witchcraft .

Femdom Enslaving Oil http://www.femdomwitchcraft.com/femdom-enslaving-binding-oil/ Sun, 08 Nov 2015 11:13:32 +0000 http://femdomwitchcraft.com/?p=172 ** Extremely Limited Edition** Femdom Enslaving Oil Specially Consecrated on the Blood Moon Eclipse for maximum Magickal potency.  Another lunar event like that will not happen again for another 18 years! That’s how rare this[...]

The post Femdom Enslaving Oil appeared first on Femdom Witchcraft .

** Extremely Limited Edition**

Femdom Enslaving Oil

Specially Consecrated on the Blood Moon Eclipse for maximum Magickal potency.  Another lunar event like that will not happen again for another 18 years! That’s how rare this oil is.  I used this celestial event to open a gateway to the Chthonic underwold and funnel that energy into this femdom enslaving oil. I’ve used the powers of darkness to infuse this oil to ENSLAVE you, BIND you to Me and ISOLATE you from anyone getting in the way of your servitude.  The effects of this sacred oil will leave you feeling like a PUPPET to My Will and Commands.

How this oil is to be used:

This oil can be used in multiple ways.  Some suggestions are:

  • Rub it on your Ajna Chakra (Third eye) and meditate on Me. Wear during Princess Worship Sessions to bind yourself to Me and My Will.
  • Slaves in My coven may anoint their ritual candles with this oil by rubbing it counterclockwise around the candle before you burn it.  This will amplify any slave rituals you do in honor of Me to an exponential degree.
  • Rub it on your cock to bind yourself to Me so that I control your sexuality.  This would be excellent for enforcing chastity as it will drive away and repel anyone who gets near your cock. It can even repel you from the desire to touch your own cock as you will suddenly feel overtaken by the desire to become a full blown eunuch.
  • Put some of it on your spouses pillow to cause a divorce or breakup.  Have you always wanted to live life as a single slave, so you could have unrestricted time serving and worshiping Me? This can also be used as a spiritual weapon that will guarantee that.

WARNING! This is 100% Real Femdom Black Magick. Using this oil WILL enslave you. 

You WILL be spiritually bound to Me.  This is NOT a game.


Ingredients:  Olive Oil, Asafoetida, Crushed Red Pepper and Black Salt.

Asafoetida is a cursing ingredient.  Putting this into the oil acts as a sort of “insurance” on your binding… should you attempt to turn away from Me or escape My control, the curse will be activated thus sealing your fate and ultimate demise.

Crushed Red Pepper is used to cause problems, stir trouble and cause a breakup.  This will ensure whom ever is in the way of you serving Me won’t be sticking around much longer as you will not be able to stand each other anymore.

Black Salt, also known as Witch’s Salt, is used to repel unwanted people. Perfect for getting rid of anyone that gets in the way of you serving Me! This is such a diabolical ingredient to be adding to this concoction as it adds to the trifecta of mindfuck spellbinding ingredients I’ve included in this oil.

$100 per bottle, including shipping.

Shipping WORLDWIDE. Various payment methods are available, message Me via My Contact Page to find out.

Serious Inquiries only.  No free chat.





The post Femdom Enslaving Oil appeared first on Femdom Witchcraft .
